Tristram Nolan-Ingham
Dog Walker, Pet Sitter & Field Trip Guide
Tristram got his first dog, T-Bone, when he was 10 years old. He was the primary caregiver for T-Bone who passed away in December 2020 at the age of 17.5. T-Bone had a myriad of behavioral issues and Tristram picked up some incredible skills while living and working with his dog. Because of T-Bone, Tristram can read Canine Body Language quite well and is capable of handling dogs who may be fearful, reactive, and/or aggressive.
Tristram began working in the Pet Industry in 2017 at a local Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Company. He started as a dog walker and pet sitter and then moved up to a management position (while still filling in as needed with the animals.) His animal clients love his thorough visits and his human clients love his updates!
Tristram started at Wriggles & Wags in 2020 and is excited to help Laurel give her clients everything they need to be Behaviorally Healthy.
Tristram lives in Gresham Park with his wife, Laurel, daughter, Lilith, four dogs (plus a PAWS Atlanta foster dog), and two cats. He has also fostered multiple dogs and cats until they found their homes. During his free time, Tristram enjoys playing video games, listening to audiobooks, spectating Laurel and the dogs' competitions, and cooking.